Andrew Krehbiel

Andrew Krehbiel
Andrew Krehbiel is a part-time writer for The Fact Site. He enjoys writing about religion and sharing the random thoughts twirling around his brain, like how blue eyes are technically brown.
The Oldest People In Each Religion

Who Are The Oldest People In Each Religion?

Did you know that the oldest known person in the Hebrew Bible is Methuselah, at 969 years old?

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20 Facts That Will Help You Win Your Local Sports Bar Trivia

20 Facts That’ll Help You Win Your Local Sports Bar Trivia

The first Wimbledon tournament in 1877 wasn’t for tennis. It was played as a fundraiser for croquet.

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20 Weirdest Rules in Sports

20 Weirdest Rules in Sports

In race-walking, you’re supposed to keep one foot on the ground at all times.

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15 Fascinating Facts About Foxes

15 Fascinating Facts About Foxes

Foxes can survive in the wild for about three years. In captivity, some foxes can live up to ten years.

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Islam Facts

20 Interesting Facts About Islam

With today’s birth rates and conversions to the religion, Islam is the fastest-growing religion in world.

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20 Facts About Hunduism

20 Interesting Facts About Hinduism

No one knows who started Hinduism. There is no one founder of Hinduism; it’s a way of life.

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Facts About Kidneys

20 Interesting Facts About Your Kidneys

An adult’s kidney weighs about 5 ounces (142 grams) and is the size of a fist.

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Facts About The Last Supper

20 Interesting Facts About The Last Supper

Jesus' final supper was so important that Leonardo da Vinci depicted the scene in his famous painting titled The Last Supper.

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The Differences Between Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and Meditation – The Main Differences

Both prayer and meditation use the mind. They both are concentrated thoughts, but their goals are different.

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20 Interesting Facts About Lent

20 Interesting Facts About Lent

Did you know that when Lent started, it was only 36 days? Later, it was changed to 40 days.

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Noah's Ark Facts

32 Interesting Facts About Noah and His Ark

Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. He was 500 years old when he had his three sons.

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