Big Questions

You have the questions; we have the answers! Here you’ll find questions you never even thought to ask.

You’ll find mind-boggling questions like, what do blind people dream about? Or, can you reach the end of a rainbow? We’ve answered them, so you don’t have to do the research and heavy brain-lifting yourself!

Take your pick of these unique questions and dive in to find the answers you never knew you needed!

We do we eat birthday cakes?

Why Do We Eat Cake On Our Birthdays?

Did you know that in Mexico, the first slice of your birthday cake must be given to the person you love the most?

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read

Is Jesus’ Birthday Really On December 25th?

On December 25, 336, over three hundred years since Jesus' death, the earliest Christmas celebration was recorded.

3 Minutes Read3 Mins read
Did three wise men really visit baby Jesus?

Did Three Wise Men Really Visit Baby Jesus?

The Bible doesn't mention the names of the wise men that visited baby Jesus. It only states the gifts that they brought.

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
What is a digital nomad?

What Is A Digital Nomad?

The term "digital nomad" was created in 1997 because of a book published by Wiley called The Digital Nomad.

7 Minutes Read7 Mins read
Why do we eat turkey on Thanksgiving?

Why Do We Eat Turkey on Thanksgiving?

Did you know that the first Thanksgiving meal included venison, fowl, corn, nuts, and shellfish?

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Do cats have nine lives?

Do Cats Really Have Nine Lives?

Cats have a "righting reflex" where they can twist their bodies as they fall, ensuring that they securely land on their feet.

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Are zombies biologically possible?

Are Zombies Biologically Possible?

Did you know that the Ophiocordyceps fungus can turn a dead insect into a zombie by releasing spores into its brain?

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
What happens at Fashion Week?

What Happens At Fashion Week?

Did you know Fashion Week lasts a week in four different cities in the world, meaning it actually runs for one month?

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Why do sunflowers face the sun

Why Do Sunflowers Face The Sun?

Did you know that bees are five times more likely to land on a sunflower facing eastwards than one facing west?

3 Minutes Read3 Mins read
What if Earth stopped spinning?

What Would Happen If Earth Stopped Spinning?

Did you know that the Earth's rotation has slowed down about 6 hours in the past 2,740 years?

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
What is metabolism?

What Is Metabolism?

Did you know that you can help increase your metabolic rate by just getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night?

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Are elephant's really scared of mice?

Are Elephants Really Scared of Mice?

The idea that elephants are afraid of mice existed long before it became a popular trope in cartoons.

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read