Language & Literature

Without proper language skills, we would be left in the stone age without effective ways of communication.

It may be boring to learn in school, like Shakespeare or word definitions, but it’s all-important to our day-to-day lives.

Even so, we don’t do boring facts – there are so many interesting facts you’ll be pleased to learn!

Facts about Wonder Woman

25 Wonderful Facts About Wonder Woman

Did you know that the creator of Wonder Woman, William Moulton Marston, also designed the first lie detector?

3 Minutes Read3 Mins read
10 Impressive Facts About Captain Marvel

10 Impressive Facts About Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel had a love affair with James Rhodes (War Machine), but it didn't last very long!

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Facts about Of Mice and Men

8 Mind-Blowing Facts About Of Mice and Men

Did you know that Lennie Small from "Of Mice and Men" is based on a real person who was in an asylum in California?

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Facts about Iron Man

10 Unusual Facts About Iron Man

Did you know that in the Marvel Universe, Iron Man owns Area 51?

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
Facts about Superman

15 Speedy Facts About Superman

Superman is not a magical being, and he can’t win against magical objects such as Aquaman's trident or Wonder Woman's sword.

5 Minutes Read5 Mins read
How do words get into the dictionary?

How Does A Word Get Into The Dictionary?

The name of someone who puts together words to be entered into a dictionary is known as a lexicographer.

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Winnie the Pooh with a butterfly on his nose

10 Wonderful Facts About Winnie The Pooh

Did you know that Winnie the Pooh bear shares the same birthday with Queen Elizabeth II?

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
Amazing Facts about J.K. Rowling

30 Enchanting Facts About J.K. Rowling

Did you know that in 2004 J.K. Rowling was named the first person to become a billionaire by writing books?

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Freaky Facts about Frankenstein

15 Freaky Facts About Frankenstein

Frankenstein was against evil. He actually died trying to kill the monster.

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
Differentiation between autumn and fall

Why Do The British Say “Autumn” Instead of “Fall”?

Over time, poets became interested in describing parts of the year in romantic ways - this is when “fall” first appeared.

2 Minutes Read2 Mins read
The Surprising Origin of these 5 phrases

5 Common Phrases With Historical Origins

"To paint the town red" comes from an interesting story of an English prankster in the 1800's literally painting the town red!

5 Minutes Read5 Mins read
Where did the word "Boycott" Originate?

The Fascinating Origins of the Word “Boycott”

The word "boycott" doesn't really hold any similarities to other words.

3 Minutes Read3 Mins read