Comments Policy

Comments are more than welcomed here, but anything that goes against our comment policy will be deleted.

Our rules are as follows:

  • Any comments involving spam or include promotional content will not be approved. This includes any outbound links. All comments should be relevant to the topic of the post.
  • Profanity is not tolerated and any vulgar comments will be deleted.
  • Additionally, any offensive, hateful, threatening, or abusive comments will not be tolerated.
  • When commenting, you must use your real name. Any anonymous comments will be deleted.

Why we need your email?

To cut down on spam. We wont sell or give your email address to anyone else.

To respond to you if you ask us a specific question that’s not suitable to be left in comments.

Why we need your name?

Just first name will do, we need it so conversations can be fun and you can talk to people like real life.

We reserve the right to edit or delete any comments submitted without notice. This comment policy is subject to change at any time. If you have any questions on the commenting policy, please contact us.