Film & TV

What’s your favorite movie? Or do you prefer binge-watching a TV show?

No matter your preference, we’ve got you covered with thousands of facts you probably don’t know!

Here at The Fact Site, you’ll find facts about your favorite movies, TV shows, superheroes, characters, and even actors!

Bugs Bunny Facts

Interesting Facts About Bugs Bunny

In 1997, Bugs Bunny appeared on an American postage stamp, the first cartoon ever to be put on a stamp.

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Venomoth, Butterfree Theory - Pokemon

Pokémon – A Venomoth / Butterfree Theory

In Pokémon did you know that the character Caterpie was originally supposed to evolve into Venomoth?

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Squirrels

Charlie And the Chocolate Factory Squirrels Were Real

The 40 squirrels seen on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were trained by The Nut Room Animal trainer Michael Alexander.

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South Park Facts

Facts About South Park InfoGraphic

Did you know that South Park was the first weekly show to carry a TV-MA rating?

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Slowpoke Facts

12 Striking Facts About Slowpoke | Pokémon

Did you know that the Pokémon Slowpoke was originally going to be called Slowmo?

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Baby Kangaskhan Theory

Pokémon – A Baby Kangaskhan Theory

There is a popular Pokémon theory that suggests that a baby Kangaskhan & Cubone are the same Pokémon.

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Pinocchio's Paradox

Pinocchio’s Paradox

If Pinocchio said the statement "My nose will grow now" it would cause a paradox.

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