
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” This infamous quote is known by pretty much everyone. But just how much history do you actually know?

We’re confident you know the basics, but history is so much more than the basics!

Whether you’re looking for random history facts or just browsing, you’ll find something to pique your interest here.

Where did the word "Boycott" Originate?

The Fascinating Origins of the Word “Boycott”

The word "boycott" doesn't really hold any similarities to other words.

3 Minutes Read3 Mins read
The Pirate Who Raided A Ship For Their Hats

The Pirate Who Raided A Ship For Their Hats

In 1717 the infamous pirate Benjamin Hornigold raided a ship to take hats... not lives.

2 Minutes Read2 Mins read
Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe

10 Crazy Coincidences That Are Hard To Believe

Have you ever wondered if you'll ever meet your lookalike? There is only a 9% chance of you meeting your doppelgänger!

12 Minutes Read12 Mins read
Fun Facts About Isaac Newton

20 Interesting Facts About Isaac Newton

Did you know that Isaac Newton's father was also called Isaac Newton?

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
Amazing Shakespeare facts

50 Fun Facts About William Shakespeare For Kids

In the popular Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet, the world "love" appears 150 times.

5 Minutes Read5 Mins read
Amazing Facts About The Battle of Hastings

15 Historic Facts About The Battle of Bunker Hill

Did you know that The battle of Bunker Hill actually took place mostly on Breed’s Hill?

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
Crazy Facts about Tutankhamun

20 Historical Facts About Tutankhamun

Did you know that Tutankhamun's death may actually be related to getting bitten by a hippo?

5 Minutes Read5 Mins read
Surprising Phrases From Ancient History

5 Phrases & Actions We Use That Come From Ancient Times

In medieval times, knights and nobles would often ride huge warhorses that were specifically bred for fighting and strength.

3 Minutes Read3 Mins read
Awesome Facts About Scarecrows

30 Spectacular Facts About Scarecrows

There is a Japanese villaige called Nagoro which has 35 inhabitants, but over 350 scarecrows!

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Unknown Facts About Adolf Hitler

Nine Unknown Facts About Adolf Hitler

One of Hitler's favorite tunes to whistle was the very popular, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?"

5 Minutes Read5 Mins read
Sports Evolution Facts - Romans

Sports Evolution Facts: The Greeks, Romans & Us

To the Romans, sport was a spectacular means of bloody entertainment, whereas Athenians found it to be a spiritual experience.

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Incredible Facts About Ludwig van Beethoven

42 Resonating Facts About Ludwig van Beethoven

Did you know that Beethoven composed his first song when he was 12 years old?

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read