Language & Literature

Without proper language skills, we would be left in the stone age without effective ways of communication.

It may be boring to learn in school, like Shakespeare or word definitions, but it’s all-important to our day-to-day lives.

Even so, we don’t do boring facts – there are so many interesting facts you’ll be pleased to learn!

James Herbert Facts

25 Interesting Facts About Horror Author, James Herbert

Did you know that James Herbert didn't write his first book until he was 28 years old?

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Beautiful Creatures

30 Facts About The Beautiful Creatures Novel

Did you know the authors of Beautiful Creatures enjoyed drinking refreshing cans of Diet Coke while working on their masterpiece?

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Fifty Shades of Grey Facts

30 Interesting Facts About Fifty Shades of Grey

Fifty Shades of Grey is the fastest selling paperback of all time, even beating the Harry Potter series.

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Call the Midwife Facts

30 Interesting Facts About ‘Call the Midwife’

Call the Midwife was written in response to an article about under-represented midwives in literature.

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Yann Martel Facts

28 Interesting Facts About Yann Martel – Life of Pi Author

Did you know that Yann Martel's first book "Seven Stories" was published in 1993?

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Victor Hugo Facts

30 Interesting Facts About Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo started planning Les Miserables in the 1830's, and it wasn't published until 1862.

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J.R.R Tolkien Facts

30 Interesting Facts About J. R. R. Tolkien

Did you know that J. R. R. Tolkien was home taught by his mother Mabel? She said his strengths were art, botany and languages.

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The First Christmas Story

The First Christmas Story

The story of Mary giving birth in the stable included being kept warm by many animals.

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Dracula Facts

30 Interesting Facts About Bram Stoker’s Dracula

Did you know that the Romanian word "Dracula" translates to "dragon" and "devil"?

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The Hunger Games Facts

30 Facts About The Hunger Games That’ll Make You Hungry For More

The Hunger Games was named "Best Book of the Year" in 2008 by Publishers Weekly.

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Facts About the Twilight Saga

29 Fast Facts About The Twilight Saga

The story for Twilight was founded based on a dream about a male vampire who was thirsty for a girl's blood.

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Facts About Stephen King

29 Interesting Facts About Horror Author, Stephen King

Stephen King has written over 49 full length novels, 7 pen named books, 5 non-fiction texts and 5 short story collections.

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