People & Civilizations

Civilizations need hard-working people in order to thrive! That goes for historical and current cultures.

In order to better appreciate our world today, we need to take a look back at the hard work from past generations that helped us become the thriving world that we are!

10 Historical Facts About The Ancient Egyptians

10 Historical Facts About The Ancient Egyptians

Did you know that the ancient Egyptians were some of the first people to mummify the dead? The whole process took around 70 days.

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
facts about Ancient Romans

10 Amazing Facts About Ancient Rome And The Romans

Did you know that the Roman Empire was so vast in its reach that Alaska would have fit into it more than three times?

7 Minutes Read7 Mins read
The Original Prankster

Horace De Vere Cole – Prankster Extraordinaire

Prankster Horace de Vere Cole once hosted a dinner party where all the guests had the word "bottom" in their surnames.

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
Surprising Facts about Albert Goring

Albert Göring, The Anti-Nazi Brother of Hermann Göring

Knowing that upon his death his pension would go to his wife, Albert Göring married his housekeeper one week before he died.

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Ten Witty Facts About Winston Churchill

10 Witty Facts About Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill had a doctors note to enable him to drink "unlimited" amounts of alcohol while visiting the USA.

10 Minutes Read10 Mins read
The Top Secret Government Song

The Message To Colombian Hostages Hidden In A Pop Song

In order to contact their hostages in secret, Alfonso Diaz came up with the idea to hide a message in Morse Code within a song.

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
100 Crazy History Facts They Didn't Teach You In School

100 History Facts They Didn’t Teach You At School

A singing birthday card has more computer power in it than the entire Allied Army of WWII.

42 Minutes Read42 Mins read
The Truth Behind Jack the Ripper

Who Was Jack the Ripper, Really?

People who study the true identity of Jack the Ripper are called "Ripperologists".

8 Minutes Read8 Mins read
The Inspiring Story of Zeal Akawarai

The Nigerian Angel Who Secretly Pays Medical Bills

In Nigeria, only 5% of people have health insurance. People in hospital not allowed to leave until they pay their medical bills.

3 Minutes Read3 Mins read
Impressive accomplishments of Elon Musk

5 Impressive Accomplishments of Elon Musk

Elon Musk is against the use of fossil fuels. Because of this, he created his own electric vehicle manufacturing company in 2003.

5 Minutes Read5 Mins read
Where did the word "Boycott" Originate?

The Fascinating Origins of the Word “Boycott”

The word "boycott" doesn't really hold any similarities to other words.

3 Minutes Read3 Mins read
Fun Facts About Isaac Newton

20 Interesting Facts About Isaac Newton

Did you know that Isaac Newton's father was also called Isaac Newton?

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read