
When you think about Nirvana, your mind might go to the popular 80’s band. But did you know it’s actually a Buddhist term? It makes you wonder what else you might not know about Buddhism! Check out what else Buddhists believe – it may surprise you!

The Oldest People In Each Religion

Who Are The Oldest People In Each Religion?

Did you know that the oldest known person in the Hebrew Bible is Methuselah, at 969 years old?

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
The Differences Between Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and Meditation – The Main Differences

Both prayer and meditation use the mind. They both are concentrated thoughts, but their goals are different.

3 Minutes Read3 Mins read
Buddha Facts

10 Interesting Facts About Buddha InfoGraphic

Buddha was born as a wealthy prince, but he left behind his riches when he saw others living in poverty.

2 Minutes Read2 Mins read

What Is Buddhism? Here Are 20 Facts You Should Know

Buddhists don't believe in a god or gods. Neither do they worship the Buddha; they do however, follow the teachings of the Buddha.

2 Minutes Read2 Mins read
The Belief in Reincarnation

The Belief In Reincarnation

According to Buddhism and Hinduism, the man or woman is reborn in accordance with how they lived their previous life.

1 Minute Read1 Min read