Funny Holidays

When you think of your favorite holiday, your mind might often go to Christmas or Halloween. But there are lots of lesser known, quirky holidays that may replace your commonly known favorite.

Find what you’re missing out on so you can mark your calendars for Hugging Day or Pizza Day!

Reese's Facts

Twenty Remarkable Facts About Reese’s

The man who created the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup was a farmer, by the name of Harry Burnett Reese.

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National Two Different Colored Shoes Day

National Two Different Colored Shoes Day | May 3

National Two Different Colored Shoes Day is celebrated on May 3rd every year by simply wearing two different colored shoes.

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National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day partnered with Save the Children in their “Make the World Better with a Sweater” campaign.

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National Doughnut Day

National Doughnut Day

On this day, many doughnut establishments throughout the US offer out a free doughnut with every purchase!

1 Minute Read1 Min read
Cute Dog Hoodie

Dress Up Your Pet Day | January 14

For cats or dogs, pet booties are little woolen garments that are half-sock, half-shoe to keep their furry little feet warm.

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Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day

Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day | July 27

Did you know that Walk Your Houseplant Day is real? It's very important to allow your plants to stretch their "legs" once a year!

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Snowman Burning Day

Snowman Burning Day | March 20

Snowman Burning Day marks the changing of seasons, where we leave winter behind and head towards spring.

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Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day | May 29

#PutAPillowOnYourFridgeDay originated in the early 1900’s, where people would place a piece of cloth or linen in their larders.

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World Zombie Day

World Zombie Day | October 13

The first Zombie Walk took place at Monroeville Mall, which is the location where George Romero filmed Dawn of the Dead.

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National Rice Pudding Day

National Rice Pudding Day | August 9

Did you know that the US celebrates #NationalRicePuddingDay on August 9th every year?

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3 chicks dancing with a disco ball hanging from the ceiling

National Dance Like A Chicken Day | May 14

#DanceLikeAChickenDay falls on May 14th every year. It's an exceptional day because, let's face it, who doesn't like to dance?

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National Pigs in A Blanket Day

National Pigs-In-A-Blanket Day | April 24

In the United Kingdom, pigs in blankets are small sausages, or chipolatas wrapped up in bacon.

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