
Everyone learns differently, which is why InfoGraphics are so great for visual learners! Adding a visible aspect to text can often help people absorb the provided information easier. You may not even notice you’re learning while reading one. See what information you can retain with our easy to read InfoGraphics!

Animal Sleeping Habits

The Sleep Habits of Your Favorite Animals [Infographic]

On average, cats sleep 13 to 14 hours a day, and do most of their hunting during the night.

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How Much Would Darth Vader's Suit Cost?

How Much Would Darth Vader’s Suit Cost?

For just one prosthetic leg of the Darth Vader suit, it would cost $70,000.

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The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Law

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Law Infographic

Paralegal and junior lawyer tasks such as legal research are increasingly being undertaken by AI tools.

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12 Amazing Accidental Medical Discoveries

12 Amazing (Accidental) Medical Discoveries Infographic

Quinine, which is still used to treat Malaria today, was discovered completely by accident.

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Mobile Phone Facts Infographic

35 Fun Facts About Mobile Phones Infographic

The first phone call was made in April, 1973, while the first text message was sent out in December, 1992.

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Weirdest Driving Laws US

The Weirdest Driving Laws in the US Infographic

Did you know that in California, you can get a ticket for driving too slow?

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The World's Deadliest Viruses

The World’s Deadliest Viruses Infographic

The world's deadliest viruses include; Ebola, HIV, Marburg Virus & Small Pox.

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The Evolution of Halloween in North America

The Evolution of Halloween in North America Infographic

It wasn't until the early 1900's that costumes became part of Halloween traditions, and they were often cheap and made of paper.

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How The Sun Controls Nature

How The Sun Controls Nature Infographic

Did you know that on a clear cloudless day many birds successfully use the sun to direct them during migration?

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9 Foods That Have Been Renamed To Get You To Buy Them

9 Foods That Have Been Renamed To Get You To Buy Them

The Australian government rebranded locusts as "sky prawns" to make them sound appealing while they had a bad locust plague.

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The Film Industry's Insurance Risks in Numbers

The Film Industry’s Insurance Risks in Numbers InfoGraphic

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was one of the riskiest films to make with fighting, torture, motorcycle stunts, and more.

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Romantic Ideas You Can Do At Home

Romantic Ideas You Can Do At Home Infographic

Love makes the world go round! Why not offer your partner some thoughtful & creative gestures from home?

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