
Most people’s favorite animals tend to be a mammal, even if they don’t realize it. From dogs to dolphins, it’s no wonder these cute creatures warm the hearts of people worldwide.

Take a look at these fascinating mammal facts but be warned – you may end up loving them even more!

Sniffer Rats

Sniffer-Rats To Detect Landmines

Did you know that a wildlife park in Cornwall, United Kingdom actually taught a rat how to sniff out landmines?

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Spud the Spineless Hedgehog

Spud the Spineless Hedgehog

Hedgehogs are covered in roughly six thousand spines, which are brown with white tips.

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Albino Dolphin

Pink Bottlenose Dolphin Photographed

The world's first pink bottlenose dolphin was discovered in an inland lake in Louisiana, USA.

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Edible Parts of A Pig

Edible Parts Of A Pig

There are many parts of a pig which is edible, the loin, belly, head, neck, leg and more!

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Dik-Dik Facts

A Few Fun Facts About the Dik-Dik

Did you know that a dik-dik is a tiny antelope that lives in the bush of East Africa, Namibia and Angola?

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