
New gadgets and technology are released on almost a daily basis. It seems like just yesterday that Sony released the PS5.

Technology advances so quickly that it often seems like things get forgotten about or buried to make way for innovation.

Here at The Fact Site, we’ll bring you the hottest facts about past, present, and future technology.

Apple Lisa Facts

10 Amazing Facts About The Apple Lisa

The Apple Lisa was the 1st commercial computer with on screen graphics and a mouse. Before the Lisa computers were all text-based.

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Facts About the Titanic

22 Facts About The Sinking Of The Titanic

Did you know that on the night of Titanic’s sinking there were six iceberg warnings which were all ignored?

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Facts About the Sega Dreamcast

26 Facts About the Sega Dreamcast

The Sega Dreamcast was the very first games console to allow players to play in realtime online together.

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Computer Invaders Infographic

Computer Security Day | 30th November

The first computer virus, "Creeper", was written in the 70's. It displayed the message "I'm the creeper, catch me if you can!

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iPad2 Facts

Facts About Apple iPad 2

The Apple iPad 2 revised the tablet so that it is capable of both front and rear facing cameras.

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Google Plus Facts

Top Ten Google Plus Facts

Google+ was made in an attempt to challenge other social networks, linking other Google products like Google Drive & YouTube.

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World is Obsessed with Facebook

The World Is Obsessed With Facebook

In 2011 there were more than half a billion people using Facebook every day. That’s one person in every 13 worldwide!

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iPhone 5 Rumor Infographic

The Complete iPhone 5 Rumor Round-up InfoGraphic

Compared to iPhone 4, the iPhone 5 upgraded the main camera from 5MP to 8MP and the front camera from VGA to 1.2MB.

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Facebook Facts

Social Media – Facebook Facts

Only 50% of Facebook accounts are logged into on a daily basis, meanwhile only 2% log in less than once a month.

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Positions of Satellites Around the Earth

The Positions of Satellites Around Earth

Did you know that there are over 13,000 satellites circling the Earth?

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Interesting Facts About Electronic Cigarettes

Did you know that smoking electronic cigarettes reduces the negative health effects of traditional smoking by half?

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Call of Duty MW2

Facts About Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Did you know that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 created a comic series based on the character Ghost?

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