War & Weapons

Like it or not, war is a constant part of our world. We may not live in a war-torn country, but sometimes our own countries have a hand in wars abroad.

It’s important to keep up with the effects of war and weapons in order to do what we can to prevent it in the future!

Water Pistol Emoji Replaces Gun

Goodbye Gun Emoji, Hello Water Pistol!

Did you know that in 2016 Apple changed their gun emoji to a water pistol due to growing despair over global gun crime?

2 Minutes Read2 Mins read
WW1 Christmas Truce

14 Facts About the Christmas Truce of 1914

In Frelinghien, a French village, there is a plaque dedicated solely to the Christmas truce of 1914.

3 Minutes Read3 Mins read
Call of Duty - Ray Gun Facts

Call of Duty: Ray Gun Facts

One of the first times anything remotely resembled a ray-gun appeared was in H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds in 1989.

5 Minutes Read5 Mins read
Bin Laden's and Saddam's Hideouts Infographic

Bin Laden’s and Saddam’s Hideouts InfoGraphic

Bin Laden's compound was 8 times larger than the surrounding homes in the area.

2 Minutes Read2 Mins read
Chilli Hand Grenade

The Chilli Hand Grenade

A non-lethal hand grenade full with the world's hottest chili was used by the army to smoke out terrorists.

1 Minute Read1 Min read
Hitler And The Nazis Tried To Steal Christmas

Hitler And The Nazis Tried To Steal Christmas

The Nazis attempted to steal Christmas by making glittering swastika, iron cross and toy grenade baubles for the Christmas tree.

2 Minutes Read2 Mins read
Sniffer Rats

Sniffer-Rats To Detect Landmines

Did you know that a wildlife park in Cornwall, United Kingdom actually taught a rat how to sniff out landmines?

1 Minute Read1 Min read