Alien Skull Found On Mars?

A strange looking boulder found on Mars appears to show eye sockets and a nose, is it the remains of a Martian skull, or a rock?

    A strange looking boulder found on Mars appears to show eye sockets and a nose, could it be the remains of a Martian skull, or just a rock?

    So it doesn’t really look like Mars, looks more like a desert, but this photo of the Mars landscape has people wondering.

    This photo was taken by a panoramic NASA camera known as Spirit.

    One alien-spotter estimated: “The skull is 15cm with binocular eyes 5cm apart. The cranial capacity is approximately 1400cc.

    There appears to be a narrow pointed small mouth, so this creature most likely is a carnivore.”

    “The nose area is broad and blunted as you would expect to see in a cold and windy landscape. Is he decapitated or is he buried up to his neck?”

    I would say decapitated, can’t really see much of a neck, or maybe that’s what Martians look like… just a head.

    There were previous images of a skull which were spotted on Mars in 2006, but these were believed to have been tampered with.

    So do you think it’s a skull, or just a weird shaped boulder? I personally think it’s a boulder, although I hope I’m wrong!

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Luke Ward
Luke Ward

Luke Ward is the founder of The Fact Site. He has over 14 years of experience in researching, informative writing, fact-checking, SEO & web design. In his spare time, he loves to explore the world, drink coffee & attend trivia nights.

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