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August 11: Facts & Historical Events On This Day

Did you know that on this day, August 11, 1866, the first US roller skating rink opened in Rhode Island?

August 11th is known as Play In The Sand Day as well as Son’s and Daughter’s Day.

Welcome to day 223 of 365! We’re only 142 days away from celebrating the new year… but it’s probably too early to be thinking about that yet.

August 11 is definitely a day you want to learn about! Find out the facts about what makes this day so important in history.

Did you know that on this day in 1866, the first US roller skating rink opened in Rhode Island? The rink was constructed in the dining room of the Atlantic House resort hotel in Newport.

Keep reading for more interesting facts about August 11th in history!

What Events Happened On August 11 In History?

2016 Scientists discovered the oldest living Greenland Shark, with an estimated age of 392 years old.

OTD in 2016: Scientists discovered the oldest living Greenland Shark

The international team of scientists declared the shark the longest-living vertebrate in the world.

2008 Airbedandbreakfast.com was launched by its three founders, which is now known as Airbnb.

1999 The last total solar eclipse of the 20th century occurred and was visible from Europe and Asia.


1969 The Apollo 11 astronauts were released from a three-week quarantine following their liftoff from the moon.

1909 American steamship S. S. Arapahoe became the first to use the signal “SOS” off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, USA.

The distress signal had only recently been changed from "CQD" to "SOS" by the Berlin Radiotelegraph Conference, and the captain of S. S. Arapahoe was initially unsure which to use.


1896 Inventor Harvey Hubbell patented the popular light bulb with a pull chain.

OTD in 1896: Inventor Harvey Hubbell patented the popular light bulb with a pull chain.

1885 Joseph Pulitzer wrote an article in New York World to ask the public to donate towards constructing the pedestal for the Statue of Liberty.

Within just six months, his article had raised an incredible $100,000.


1874 Harry S. Parmelee patented the fire sprinkler system.

The invention became very popular, and roughly 200,000 systems were sold between 1878 and 1882.

1866 The world’s first roller skating rink opened in Rhode Island.

The rink was previously a dining room and, after renovation, was opened for the public.

1772 Mount Papandayan volcano in Indonesia erupted, killing almost 3,000 people.

1492 Pope Alexander VI, born Rodrigo de Borja became Pope.

OTD in 1492: Pope Alexander VI

1093 Bishop William of St. Calais demolished the old Saxon church in Durham and laid the foundation for the new Norman Durham cathedral.

William of St. Calais was a Norman Monk and was appointed by William the Conqueror to update churches across the UK.

355 AD Roman general Claudius Silvanus fraudulently proclaimed himself Roman emperor and was hacked to death.

Famous People Born On August 11

If today is your birthday, you have this in common with Chris Hemsworth. Find out more about what famous people were born on this day.

1983 Chris Hemsworth

Australian Actor

Chris Hemsworth
39 years old
Born In:
Victoria, Australia

1953 Hulk Hogan

American Wrestler

Hulk Hogan
69 years old
Born In:
Georgia, USA

1965 Viola Davis

American Actress

Viola Davis
57 years old
Born In:
South Carolina, USA

1944 Ian McDiarmid

Scottish Actor

Ian McDiarmid
78 years old
Born In:
Scotland, UK

Famous People Who Died On This Day

1951 - 2014 Robin Williams

Robin Williams

Robin Williams was an American actor born on July 21, 1951. He died on this day in 2014, at age 63 in Paradise Cay, California, USA.

Special Holidays On August 11

If you’re looking to try something new today, here are some special holidays that might just give you an idea.

August 11: Play In The Sand Day

Play In The Sand Day

Ahh, what can be better than a fun day in the sun down at the beach? All you beach lovers better pack your bucket and spade, as this day is definitely one for you! Play In The Sand Day is about as simple as it gets, so what are you waiting for?

August 11: National Son's and Daughter's Day

National Son’s and Daughter’s Day

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day have come and gone already, and parents have been appropriately doted on. Now it’s time to give thanks to our sons and daughters and treat them extra special. Take the day off work, if you can, and take your kids out for an adventure!

THe Fact Site's

Fun Fact Of The Day

For almost 15 years, Vermont was technically its own country before joining the United States in 1791. It had its own coins and postal service.

August 11 Birthday Facts, Zodiac & Birthstone

People who were born on this day share the Leo star sign.

Leos are natural-born leaders and love to be in control of their own lives. Because of this, they often shine in running their own business or working as self-employed.

Those of you that were born in August have the Peridot birthstone. Peridots are commonly light green in color; however, if the gemstone contains more iron, the green will darken. In general, the darker gem is, the more valuable it becomes.

If you were born on this day, it’s likely that you were conceived on November 18th in the previous year.

A baby that is conceived on August 11, 2023, will be due next year around May 4.

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