
December 25: Facts & Historical Events On This Day

Did you know that on this day, December 25, 1962, the film adaption of To Kill a Mockingbird was released?

Happy Holidays! December 25th is officially Pumpkin Pie Day and A’phabet Day or No “L” Day.

It’s Christmas Day – so we’re obviously pretty excited already. Christmas falls on the 359th day of the year, and we’re looking forward to starting the new year.

Want to know what happened on this day in history? You’re in the right place! Here you’ll find facts about important events that happened on this day in history.

Did you know that on this day in 1962, the film adaption of To Kill a Mockingbird was released? It earned more than six times its budget and won three academy awards.

Keep reading for more interesting facts about December 25th in history!

What Events Happened On December 25 In History?

2021 The James Webb Space Telescope was launched from the Guiana Space Center.

Jointly developed by NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency, the telescope is the most advanced infrared telescope ever built. The first image captured by the telescope was released on July 11, 2022.

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2013 The Wolf of Wall Street, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, was released.

2004 Cassini orbiter released the Huygens probe, which successfully landed on Saturn’s moon Titan.


1991 Mikhail Gorbachev resigned from his position as Prime Minister of the Soviet Union.

OTD in 1991: Mikhail Gorbachev resigned from his position as Prime Minister of the Soviet Union.

Gorbachev had only served as Prime Minister for one year, during which time the Soviet Union rapidly collapsed around him. Gorbachev's resignation signaled the end of the Soviet Union, with the state's Council of the Republics voting to dissolve the union the very next day.

1989 The show trial of Romanian Communist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu occurred.

Along with his wife Elena, they were tried on charges of genocide and personal enrichment. The trial lasted for just one hour before the couple was found guilty. They were executed by firing squad just a few minutes after the trial ended.

1967 Paul McCartney and actress Jane Asher announced their engagement.

1962 To Kill a Mockingbird film was released.

Robert Mulligan directed this film adaptation of the novel by Harper Lee. The film starred Gregory Peck, who went on to win Best Actor at the Academy Awards.

1917 The play “Why Marry?” opened at the Astor Theatre in New York City.

"Why Marry?" was the first dramatic play to win a Pulitzer Prize.

1776 George Washington crossed Delaware, in which he surprised and defeated 1,400 Hessians.

1758 Johann Georg Palitzsch sighted the return of Halley’s Comet.

OTD in 1758: Johann Georg Palitzsch sighted the return of Halley's Comet.

1621 Governor William Bradford of Plymouth Colony forbade game playing on Christmas.

1492 The Santa Maria sunk.

OTD in 1492: The Santa Maria sunk.

Christopher Columbus' flagship ran aground and sunk on the north coast of Hispaniola. The crew was left to found a colony while Columbus returned to Spain.

1066 William the Conqueror was crowned king of England at Westminster Abbey, London.

He was Duke of Normandy from 1035. On this day, he became the first Norman monarch of England.

336 AD Christmas was celebrated in Rome, marking the first time in recorded history that the holiday was celebrated.

Famous People Born On December 25

If you were born on this day, you share your birthday with Justin Trudeau. Find out who else was born on December 25th below!

1971 Justin Trudeau

Canadian Politician

Justin Trudeau
51 years old
Born In:
Ontario, Canada

1995 Hailie Jade

American Influencer

Hailie Jade
27 years old
Born In:
Michigan, USA

1971 Dido

English Singer

51 years old
Born In:
England, UK

1976 Armin van Buuren

Dutch DJ

Armin van Buuren
46 years old
Born In:
Leiden, Netherlands

Famous People Who Died On This Day

1963 - 2016 George Michael

George Michael

George Michael was a British singer born on June 25, 1963. He died on this day in 2016, at age 53 in Goring-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, England, UK.

1933 - 2006 James Brown

James Brown

James Brown was an American singer born on May 3, 1933. He died on this day in 2006, at age 73 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

1889 - 1977 Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin was an English comic actor born on April 16, 1889. He died on this day in 1977, at age 88 in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland.

Special Holidays On December 25

Are you looking for something to do today? Then why not find time today to celebrate the following special holidays.

December 25: National Pumpkin Pie Day

National Pumpkin Pie Day

Thanksgiving may have passed quite some time ago, but that doesn’t mean the humble pumpkin pie doesn’t still deserve some love. So celebrate this sweet yet savory dessert today by serving it up along with all your other Christmas favorites.

December 25: A'phabet Day or No “L” Day

A’phabet Day or No “L” Day

We all giggled when we first heard The First Noël and thought the words were "No L, no L." A'phabet Day takes this play on words one step further and brings it into everyday life. So whenever you speak today, skip the letter L and see how many people catch on!

THe Fact Site's

Fun Fact Of The Day

The world record for the longest human chain (holding hands) is 652.4 miles, and it consisted of 5 million people in Bangladesh as part of a campaign.

December 25 Birthday Facts, Zodiac & Birthstone

People who were born on Christmas Day all share the Capricorn zodiac sign.

Capricorn’s can-do attitude often leads to success in pretty much any industry. But, while they’re fantastic leaders, they should also be mindful of their workaholic tendencies.

People born in December have the Blue Topaz birthstone. This gemstone offers prosperity and fortune to the wearer while also protecting them from harm.

Anyone born on Christmas Day would likely have been conceived around April 3 in the same year.

A baby conceived on Christmas Day, 2023, will likely be born around September 17, 2024.

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