2023 › January

January 12: Facts & Historical Events On This Day

Did you know that on this day, January 12, 1885, Dr Pepper sold it's very first bottle in the USA?

January 12th is officially Kiss A Ginger Day as well as Marzipan Day.

Being only day twelve of our new year I’m sure most of us are still sticking to our new year resolutions, right? If not, then what better way to procrastinate than getting filled in with the top major events that all happened on this very special day?

With so many incredible advancements falling on this day I’m sure you’ll soon get back on track.

Did you know that on this day in 1885, Dr Pepper sold it’s very first bottle in the USA? This makes it the oldest soft drink brand in America.

Keep reading for more interesting facts about January 12th in history!

What Events Happened On January 12 In History?

2017 Obama surprised Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom during a White House ceremony.

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2010 A 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti claimed 160,000 lives.

OTD in 2010: A 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti claimed 160

The disaster wreaked havoc in the country and destroyed the capital of Port-Au-Prince with an estimated USD 7.8-8.5 billion damage.

2005 NASA’s Deep Impact space probe launched from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

The Deep Impact probe was designed to fly out to and study the Tempel 1 comet. Unlike all previous attempts at studying comets, this was not a fly-by mission. Instead, it released an impactor into the comet to analyze the composition of the dust and debris kicked up by the impactor. The results, which showed the comet to be composed mainly of dust-like particles, were surprising as scientists believed Tempel 1 to be made up of ice more than anything else.

1998 Nineteen European nations forbade human cloning; however, the UK and Germany refused to sign the agreement.

1995 Malcolm X’s daughter, Qubilah Shabazz, was arrested for making arrangements to kill Louis Farrakhan, who she believed killed her father in 1965.

NY Times

1966 ABC aired Batman for the first time.

OTD in 1966: ABC aired Batman for the first time.

Stars included Adam West as Batman, Burt Ward as Robin, and Cesar Romero as The Joker.

1959 Five boys rediscovered the Caves of Nerja in Andalucia, Spain.

The friends were bat hunting when they found the entrance blocked by stalactites but broke past them the following day. It was later discovered that the caves date back to 42,000 years ago. The cavern inside is home to some of the world's oldest cave art.

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1954 Over 50,000 people greeted Queen Elizabeth II as she opened New Zealand Parliament.

1896 College students illegally produced the very first X-ray photo.

OTD in 1896: College students illegally produced the very first X-ray photo.

Three of Dr. Henry Smith's students bribed a janitor to access the laboratory, where they successfully took the first X-ray images. Little did they know they would change medical history.


1895 The National Trust (UK) was founded as an independent charity to conserve England’s environment and heritage.

OTD in 1895: The National Trust (UK) was founded as an independent charity to conserve England's environment and heritage.

1885 The oldest soft drink brand, Dr Pepper, sold its very first bottle in the USA.

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1773 The Charleston Museum was founded, making it the first public museum in the United States.

At first, the museum didn't actually occupy any one building; instead, its collection was showcased at various places around Charleston. In 1778 the museum's original collection was destroyed in a fire.

Famous People Born On January 12

If you were born on this day, you actually have the same birthday as Jeff Bezos. Here are some other famous people born on January 12th.

1993 Zayn Malik

British Singer

Zayn Malik
30 years old
Born In:
England, UK
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1964 Jeff Bezos

American Entrepreneur

Jeff Bezos
59 years old
Born In:
New Mexico, USA

1987 Naya Rivera

American Actress

Naya Rivera
Died On:
Jul 8, 2020 (Age 33)
Born In:
California, USA

1991 Pixie Lott

English Singer

Pixie Lott
32 years old
Born In:
England, UK

Famous People Who Died On This Day

1968 - 2023 Lisa Marie Presley

Lisa Marie Presley

Lisa Marie Presley was an American singer born on February 1, 1968. She died on this day in 2023, at age 54 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Special Holidays On January 12

If you can spare some time today, here are some unique holidays you could get involved with.

January 12: Kiss A Ginger Day

Kiss A Ginger Day

Today is all about paying particular attention to any of your loved ones who have beautiful red hair. That’s because it’s Kiss A Ginger Day, so why not grab your red-headed lover and give them a big smooch?

January 12: National Marzipan Day

National Marzipan Day

This delicious day celebrates an ancient confectionery that's still well-loved today. We probably don't need to tell you this, but today is all about stuffing your face with this amazing almondy treat!

THe Fact Site's

Fun Fact Of The Day

When you buy a car in Japan, you have to prove that you have somewhere to park it.

January 12 Birthday Facts, Zodiac & Birthstone

Everyone who was born on January 12th shares the same zodiac sign, Capricorn.

Capricorn’s can-do attitude often leads to success in pretty much any industry. But, while they’re fantastic leaders, they should also be mindful of their workaholic tendencies.

If you were born in January, your birthstone is the Garnet. Garnet comes from the Latin word Garanatus, meaning seeds or seed-representing.

Anyone born on Jan 12 would likely have been conceived around April 21 in the previous year.

A baby that is conceived on this day will likely be due around October 5th, 2023.

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