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January 22: Facts & Historical Events On This Day

Did you know that on this day, January 22, 1964, the world's largest cheese was manufactured, which weighed over 34,500 lbs?

January 22nd is also known as Hot Sauce Day and Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day.

January always seems to last forever, does anybody else feel like it should be at least March by now!? It’s only the 22nd but I’m sure you’re already feeling it!

There were so many incredible events that all fell on January 22 from war and victory to space exploration.

Did you know that on this day in 1964, the world’s largest cheese was manufactured, which weighed over 34,500 lbs? It used 170,000 quarts of milk from 16,000 cows.

Keep reading for more interesting facts about January 22nd in history!

What Events Happened On January 22 In History?

2020 One hundred million people were placed in lockdown in Wuhan, China, amid the Covid-19 outbreak.

All forms of transport in and out of the city were suspended from 10:00 local time.

2018 Netflix passed the $100 billion milestone.

OTD in 2018: Netflix passed the $100 billion milestone.

This made the digital media and entertainment company the world's largest.

2014 NASA revealed water vapor had been discovered on dwarf planet Ceres.


2006 Evo Morales was inaugurated as Bolivia’s first indigenous President.

1976 A record $20 to $50 million worth of gold bars were stolen in a bank robbery in Beirut, Lebanon.

Today the loot is valued at around three times more than what it was worth in 1976.


1964 The world’s largest cheese weighing 34,591 lbs (15,723 kg) was manufactured.

OTD in 1964: The world's largest cheese weighing 34

The cheese used 170,000 quarts of milk extracted from 16,000 cows. It was made in Wisconsin and later displayed at the New York World Fair.

1934 Lady Macbeth by Dmitri Shostakovich was performed for the first time in Leningrad, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

1924 Ramsay MacDonald became the first Labour Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

1905 Russian soldiers attack unarmed demonstrators on this day that would later be known as “Bloody Sunday.”

OTD in 1905: Russian soldiers attack unarmed demonstrators on this day that would later be known as "Bloody Sunday."

There were up to 50,000 protestors and 10,000 soldiers. The events of that day resulted in up to 234 deaths, 800 casualties, and 6,831 arrests.

1901 After the death of Queen Victoria, Britain moved their postage stamps to the King Edward VII series.

1842 Charles Dickens and his wife arrived in Boston, US, from Liverpool, UK.

1506 A contingent of 150 Swiss Guards arrived in the Vatican for the very first time.

The Swiss Guard's origins lie with Pope Julius II, who requested Switzerland provide the pope with a constant retinue of 200 Swiss mercenaries. Since then, the Swiss Guard has (except for a few brief periods) defended the Vatican.

Famous Quotes Said On January 22

Here are the most famous or noteworthy quotes said on this day throughout history.


“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”

– Donald J Trump


“It is impossible to struggle for civil rights, equal rights for blacks, without including whites. Because equal rights, fair play, justice, are all like the air: we all have it, or none of us has it. That is the truth of it.”

– Maya Angelou


“An art whose medium is language will always show a high degree of critical creativeness, for speech is itself a critique of life.”

– Paul Thomas Mann

Famous People Born On January 22

Are you celebrating your birthday today? If so, did you know that you share the same birthday as Guy Fieri? See what other famous people were born on this day.

1990 Logic

American Rapper

33 years old
Born In:
Maryland, USA

1999 Ricky Garcia

American Actor

Ricky Garcia
24 years old
Born In:
Puerto Rico

1968 Guy Fieri

American Restaurateur

Guy Fieri
55 years old
Born In:
Ohio, USA

1965 Diane Lane

American Actress

Diane Lane
58 years old
Born In:
New York, USA

Famous People Who Died On This Day

1979 - 2008 Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger was an Australian actor born on April 4, 1979. He died on this day in 2008, at age 28 in New York City, New York, USA.

Special Holidays On January 22

Are you looking for something to do today? Well, here’s a few special days that might just give you some ideas.

January 22: National Hot Sauce Day

National Hot Sauce Day

Who else loves hot sauce? Sriracha, sweet chili, chipotle, you name it, if it's a sauce with a hint of heat, it’s going on my plate! Today’s going to be a scorcher as it’s officially Hot Sauce Day - now it’s time to give this hot stuff the appreciation it truly deserves.

January 22: National Answer Your Cat's Questions Day

National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

Anyone who’s ever had a cat wishes that they could communicate with them, or at least communicate better. Answer Your Cat’s Question’s Day, while not about speaking directly with cats, is a day to sit down with your cat and to try and understand it in any way you can!

THe Fact Site's

Fun Fact Of The Day

Chewing gum boosts mental proficiency and is considered a better test aid than caffeine – but nobody knows why.

January 22 Birthday Facts, Zodiac & Birthstone

Those of you who were born on January 22 share the Aquarius star sign.

Air is the element given to Aquarius because they are in the middle of the winter season, meaning they can be stubborn.

Garnet is the birthstone given to people born in January. The garnet is commonly a red gem that provides the wearer with love, friendships, loyalty, and luck.

If you were born on Jan 22, your estimated date of conception would be May 1 in the previous year.

A baby that is conceived on January 22nd, 2023, will likely be due around October 15th, 2023.

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