2023 › June

June 1: Facts & Historical Events On This Day

Did you know that on this day, June 1, 1980, CNN made its debut as the first 24-hour news channel?

June 1st celebrates Say Something Nice Day and Dare Day.

Welcome to the very first day of June. Today marks the 152nd day of the year.

There were so many incredible events that all fell on the first day of June in years gone by including royalty events, business, sports and so much more.

Did you know that on this day in 1980, CNN made its debut as the first 24-hour news channel? It was also the first news only television channel in the US.

Keep reading for more interesting facts about June 1st in history!

What Events Happened On June 1 In History?

2011 NASA’s Endeavour Space Shuttle landed for its 25th and final time.

Mission STS-134 was meant to be the final Space Shuttle Mission, but another mission was later added at the last minute and flown by the Atlantis Space Shuttle. During the Endeavour's lifetime, it spent 299 days in space, flying a total of 122,883,151 miles (197,761,262 km).

2009 General Motors filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

OTD in 2009: General Motors filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code permits reorganization under the bankruptcy laws of the US.

1994 South Africa rejoined the Commonwealth of Nations after ending Apartheid.

1980 CNN made its debut as the first 24-hour news channel.


1974 The Heimlich Maneuver was published in an article for the first time.

The life-saving maneuver to rescue choking victims was invented by Henry Heimlich, the technique's namesake.


1951 The European Union expanded the 1951 Stresa Convention.

This change made it illegal for others to imitate cheeses already named. It was the first time union states joined together to agree on the names of cheeses.

1946 Ion Antonescu, Romania’s dictatorial World War II leader, was executed by firing squad.

1917 Baseball and war hero Hank Gowdy became the first player to enlist in the US Army during World War II.

1880 The first payphone went into service in the US.

OTD in 1880: The first payphone went into service in the US.

Phone calls were paid for by handing over cash to an attendant. The first coin-operated payphone wouldn't come into existence for another nine years!

1874 The Philadelphia Zoo opened. At the time, it was the only zoo in the “New World.”

The zoo opened with 1,000 animals, and admission was 25 cents!

1843 Anti Slavery activist Isabella Baumfree became a Methodist and changed her name to Sojourner Truth.

She chose the name after being approached by God, who advised her to spread the truth about slavery.

1815 Napoleon I undertook a ceremony to make his authority officially recognized.

1796 Tennessee became the 16th state to join the United States of America.

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1792 Kentucky became the 15th state to join the United States of America.

OTD in 1792: Kentucky became the 15th state to join the United States of America. Read More

1670 Charles II of England and Louis XIV of France signed the Secret Treaty of Dover.

As a part of the treaty's terms, Charles II was to convert to the Roman Catholic Church and send troops and ships to France's aid in its war against the Dutch Republic. In return, Charles II received a yearly pension from France and a promise of aid if he was faced with a rebellion.

Famous Quotes Said On June 1

Who said what today throughout history? Here are the most famous things people have said on June 1st.


“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”

– Maya Angelou


“Our time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

– Steve Jobs


“If everyone demanded peace instead of another TV set, we’d have peace.”

– John Lennon

Famous People Born On June 1

Are you celebrating your birthday today? If so, did you know that you share the same birthday as Tom Holland? See what other famous people were born on this day.

1996 Tom Holland

English Actor

Tom Holland
26 years old
Born In:
England, UK
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1926 Marilyn Monroe

American Actress

Marilyn Monroe
Died On:
Aug 4, 1962 (Age 36)
Born In:
California, USA

1937 Morgan Freeman

American Actor

Morgan Freeman
85 years old
Born In:
Tennessee, USA

1973 Heidi Klum

German-American Model

Heidi Klum
49 years old
Born In:
Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

1981 Amy Schumer

American Comedian

Amy Schumer
41 years old
Born In:
New York, USA

1977 Sarah Wayne Callies

American Actress

Sarah Wayne Callies
45 years old
Born In:
Illinois, USA

Famous People Who Died On This Day

1936 - 2008 Yves Saint Laurent

Yves Saint-Laurent

Yves Saint Laurent was a French fashion designer born on August 1, 1936. He died on this day in 2008, at age 71 in Paris, France.

Special Holidays On June 1

Looking for a reason to celebrate? Well, here’s a few! These unique holidays are sure to bring some enjoyment to your day.

June 1: National Say Something Nice Day

National Say Something Nice Day

You’re amazing, you are simply fabulous, you wonderful person, you’ll achieve anything! If you hadn’t guessed it, today is Say Something Nice Day. So why not say lots of nice things to people today. Try it - it’s surprisingly addictive!

June 1: Dare Day

Dare Day

When was the last time you dared a friend to do something? Or got dared to do something yourself? While it can be a little risque, it’s always a hoot! So shake things up today and dare your friends; even if it’s just something small, it’s bound to be a lot of fun.

THe Fact Site's

Fun Fact Of The Day

Fruit stickers are edible, though the same as any fruit, washing before eating is recommended. The FDA regulates the glue used for them.

June 1 Birthday Facts, Zodiac & Birthstone

People who were born on June 1st all share the Gemini star sign.

Air is the element given to Gemini, which is quite fitting since Geminis tend to have a way of breezing through life like the wind.

Those of you that were born in June have the Alexandrite birthstone. Alexandrite was named after Alexander II of Russia. The gems red and green colors mirrored the national military colors of imperial Russia.

If you were born on this day, you were likely conceived on the week of September 8th in the previous year.

The due date for babies conceived on June 1, 2023, is around February 22, 2024.

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