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March 10: Facts & Historical Events On This Day

Did you know that on this day, March 10, 1876, the first ever telephone call was made?

March 10th is the day we officially celebrate Mario Day and Day of Awesome.

Welcome to the 69th day of the year! We’re gradually getting through the year, but we still have another 296 days until we reach the new year.

You’re about to discover some of the biggest facts and past events of this special day that changed the course of history. We’ve got business and economy, technology, space and music facts just for starters. Come take a peek.

Did you know that on this day in 1876, the first ever telephone call was made? The call was made by Alexander Graham Bell to his assistant Thomas Watson.

Keep reading for more interesting facts about March 10th in history!

What Events Happened On March 10 In History?

2015 Music copyright infringement from Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke led to a record payout of $7.3 million to the family of Marvin Gaye.

The duo copied Marvin Gaye's 1977 hit "Got to Give It Up."

2006 After seven months of travel, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter arrived safely to Mars.

OTD in 2006: After seven months of travel

1982 All nine planets (including Pluto) lined up with the sun.

In astrology, this spectacular event is known as syzygy (si-zuh-jee).

1980 A console version of Space Invaders was released for the Atari 2600.

It was a popular arcade game for two years, but the Atari release drove Space Invader's sales through the roof. If you adjust the total sales of all Space Invaders games for inflation, they exceed $13 billion, making it the highest-grossing video game ever made!

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1978 The Incredible Hulk TV series premiered on CBC starring Bill Bixby.

1975 The Rocky Horror Picture Show premiered at the Belasco Theater, New York City, US, and ran for 45 performances.

1969 American fugitive James Earl Ray pleaded guilty to murdering Martin Luther King Jr.

This day was his 41st birthday, and he was served 99 years in prison.

1949 Mildred Gillard became the first woman in US history to be convicted of treason.

Often referred to as "Axis Sally," Mildred worked for Nazi Germany's state radio program during WWII. From 1942 to the end of the war, she broadcasted Nazi propaganda and did her best to coerce US soldiers to give up the fight and return home to their families. Records of Mildred's broadcasts ultimately condemned her when she was later arrested and brought back to the US to face justice.

1914 Diego Velázquez’s painting “The Toilet of Venus” was destroyed by suffragettes at a museum in London.

1906 In France, 1,099 miners lost their lives in what is known as Europe’s worst mining disaster.

OTD in 1906: In France

1876 The first-ever telephone call was made.

OTD in 1876: The first-ever telephone call was made.

The call was between Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson. Alexander Graham Bell said, "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you."

1862 The US issued first paper money in denominations of $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $500 and $1000 notes.

The Capitol Statue of Freedom and Alexander Hamilton was featured on the first $5 notes.

1629 Charles I dissolved the Parliament of England, which was the start of the eleven-year period known as the Personal Rule.

Famous People Born On March 10

If you were born on this day, you share the same birthday as Carrie Underwood! Here are some famous people born on this day.

1983 Carrie Underwood

American Singer

Carrie Underwood
39 years old
Born In:
Oklahoma, USA

1940 Chuck Norris

American Martial Artist

Chuck Norris
82 years old
Born In:
Oklahoma, USA
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1977 Robin Thicke

American Singer

Robin Thicke
45 years old
Born In:
California, USA

1957 Osama bin Laden

Saudi Arabian Terrorist

Osama bin Laden
Died On:
May 2, 2011 (Age 54)
Born In:
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Famous People Who Died On This Day

1971 - 2010 Corey Haim

Corey Haim

Corey Haim was a Canadian actor born on December 23, 1971. He died on this day in 2010, at age 38 in Burbank, California, USA.

Special Holidays On March 10

If you’re looking to try something new today, here are some special holidays that might just give you an idea.

March 10: National Mario Day

National Mario Day

Did you know that Mario first appeared on Donkey Kong in 1980? With countless editions, Mario is now one of the top games in the world. Today is Mario Day, so why not celebrate by inviting friends for a game of Mario Kart?

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March 10: International Day Of Awesomeness

International Day Of Awesomeness

There are good things, bad things, boring things, and fun things, but nothing is quite the same as awesome things. International Day Of Awesomeness celebrates all things awesome, so do something awesome, eat something awesome, listen to something awesome, as long as it’s awesome!

THe Fact Site's

Fun Fact Of The Day

Bookworms are actual insects that bore holes in books. A major book feeding insect is a paper louse that feeds on microscopic mold in poorly kept books.

March 10 Birthday Facts, Zodiac & Birthstone

If you were born on March 10th, your star sign is Pisces.

Confiding with Pisceans is usually a safe bet, but you might find yourself counseling them as they tend to be emotional at times.

If your birthday is in March, your birthstone is aquamarine. The ancient Romans used aquamarine to protect their sailors during storms. This gem is known for calming nerves as it channels the soothing qualities of the waves of the sea.

For those of you who were born on March 10th, you were likely conceived the previous year on June 17th.

A baby that is conceived on March 10th, 2023, will likely be due around December 1st, 2023.

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