2023 › October

October 8: Facts & Historical Events On This Day

Did you know that on this day, October 8, 1945, inventor Percy L. Spencer patented the Microwave Oven?

October 8th observes American Touch Tag Day and Fluffernutter Day.

Today marks the 281st day of the year. We now have only 84 days left until the end of the year.

This day is full of interesting events that happened in history, including events related to space, music, war and much, much more.

Did you know that on this day in 1945, inventor Percy L. Spencer patented the Microwave Oven? He’d noticed the effects of microwaves during an experiment when a candy bar had melted in his pocket.

Keep reading for more interesting facts about October 8th in history!

What Events Happened On October 8 In History?

2018 An intergovernmental panel on Climate Change reported that the planet will heat up by 2.7°F by 2040, which will wreak havoc on our world.

NY Times

2017 Northern California’s wine country was devastated by sweeping wildfires.

OTD in 2017: Northern California's wine country was devastated by sweeping wildfires.

The fires lasted through to October 15, killed 44 people, and 192 others were hospitalized.

2004 Kenyan environmentalist Wangari Maathai became the first African female to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

NY Times

1992 Pioneer Venus Orbiter, or Pioneer 12, sent its last transmission as it fell from its orbit around Venus.

The US sent the spacecraft in May 1978 and carried out 17 experiments in space.

1974 The Franklin National Bank closed due to fraud, the largest US bank to fail at the time.

1971 John Lennon’s most iconic hit, “Imagine,” was released in the UK.

1967 Argentinian Communist and Guerilla leader Che Guevara was captured by the Bolivian military.

1945 Inventor Percy L. Spencer patented the Microwave Oven.

OTD in 1945: Inventor Percy L. Spencer patented the Microwave Oven.

Although microwaves were already being used for other purposes, Spencer wanted to change the frequency so that the oven could cook food in a timely, cost-effective, and efficient manner.

1927 The first Laurel and Hardy movie, “The Second Hundred Years,” was released in the United States.

1918 American Army Corporal Alvin York and seven men attacked a major German gun nest on their own during World War I.

The group managed to kill 20 Germans and captured 132.

1813 The Treaty of Ried was signed between Bavaria and Austria.

1769 Captain James Cook landed on Poverty Bay, New Zealand, where he studied and explored the land.

Many consider him to be the first European discoverer of the country, though he wasn't officially the first to sight it. Over a century before, in 1642, Dutch explorer Abel Tasman had sighted New Zealand but did not set foot on the ground.


1604 Kepler’s Supernova was discovered.

OTD in 1604: Kepler's Supernova was discovered.

This was the second supernova to be discovered within a generation. The supernova was named after German astrologer Johannes Kepler.

1200 Isabella of Angoulême was crowned Queen consort of England at Westminster Abbey, London.

Famous Quotes Said On October 8

Below are the most famous quotes people have said or written on Oct 8th throughout history.


“Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends.”

– Virginia Woolf

Famous People Born On October 8

Are you celebrating your birthday today? If so, did you know that you share the same birthday as Bruno Mars? See what other famous people were born on this day.

1985 Bruno Mars

American Singer

Bruno Mars
37 years old
Born In:
Hawaii, USA
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1997 Bella Thorne

American Actress

Bella Thorne
25 years old
Born In:
Florida, USA

1970 Matt Damon

American Actor

Matt Damon
52 years old
Born In:
Massachusetts, USA

1969 Jeremy Davies

American Actor

Jeremy Davies
53 years old
Born In:
California, USA

Famous People Who Died On This Day

1737 - 1793 John Hancock

John Hancock

John Hancock was an American politician born on January 23, 1737. He died on this day in 1793, at age 56 in Hancock Manor, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Special Holidays On October 8

If you’re looking for something to do today, maybe these special holidays might just help to cure your boredom!

October 8: American Touch Tag Day

American Touch Tag Day

Remember being a kid running around with friends playing touch tag? Those were the good old days, full of childish glee and simple pleasures. Play some American touch tag with your kids today, or organize a giant game with your old school friends, and relive your childhood glory!

October 8: National Fluffernutter Day

National Fluffernutter Day

If you’ve never heard of a fluffernutter, then boy, have you been missing out! This simple delight is made by spreading peanut butter and marshmallow fluff on slices of bread and making a sandwich. It might sound strange, but give it a try today on National Fluffernutter Day!

THe Fact Site's

Fun Fact Of The Day

The Outsiders was written by a girl in high school because she was unsatisfied with the YA books available at the time.

October 8 Birthday Facts, Zodiac & Birthstone

If you were born on this day, your zodiac sign is Libra.

Because Libras love to weigh things up, they sometimes judge things too harshly and place themselves in a place of superiority and entitlement.

People born during October have the Pink Tourmaline birthstone. Tourmaline comes in almost every color of the rainbow. At one point in time, every color of tourmaline had different names; however, these days, the color is added as a prefix, such as “pink tourmaline” or “green tourmaline.”

If you were lucky enough to be born on this day, you were likely conceived around January 15th, the same year.

A baby conceived on this day will likely be due around July 1, 2024.

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