7 Easy Fixes For Snoring

Drinking water and staying hydrated will help the fluids in your sinuses from becoming sticky, which causes more snoring.

    While snoring may seem like a harmless sleeping habit, it can actually be linked to other health risks.

    Aside from that, it’s just plain annoying to anyone else who may be sleeping in your vicinity, such as a partner or someone you’re sharing a room with.

    So to prevent potential health issues or sleepless nights for other people, here are 7 ways you can prevent yourself from snoring.

    Try a different sleeping position.

    Someone upside down in bed with their feet on the pillows

    If sleeping on your back is your preferred method of sleeping, you may have to get comfortable another way.

    When you sleep on your back, it causes the base of your tongue to relax against the back of your throat which causes the snoring vibration in your sleep.

    One strange way to stop yourself from rolling on your back in the middle of the night is to fix tennis balls on your back!

    Alternatively, if you elevate your head by four inches, it prevents your tongue from sliding back into your throat.

    In fact, there are even pillow specially designed for this to prevent snoring, and to keep your neck muscles from getting sore.

    Lose weight.

    A woman sleeping on her side rubbing her belly

    If you’re already thin, then weight probably isn’t the cause of your snoring. But if you didn’t always used to snore and you’ve since gained weight, this may be the root of the issue. 

    Otherwise, being overweight, even by just a little bit, considerably increases your chances of snoring.

    Weight gain, especially around the neck, adds pressure on the throat which is what can cause snoring.

    If weight is the cause of your snoring, then it might be time to add cardio to your daily routine.

    As the weight in your neck starts to go down, then you should notice your snoring habits start to lessen or stop altogether.

    Drink less alcohol and more water.

    A woman in bed drinking water

    Interestingly enough, relaxed neck muscles cause snoring.

    Alcohol, or other sedatives, cause your muscles to relax more drastically, which in turn makes it more likely for you to snore. Especially if you drink within 4-5 hours of going to bed, the likeliness of snoring increases.

    Even if you don’t normally snore, you might after a night of drinking.

    Drinking water and staying hydrated however, will help the fluids in your sinuses from becoming sticky which causes more snoring.

    Additionally, it will help to take a hot shower before bed, especially if you’re congested. The steam will loosen the mucus and lower your odds of snoring.

    Rinse out your sinuses.

    A man using a decongestant spray

    If your snoring problem lies in your nose instead of your soft palate, there are many ways you can clear your passageways.

    Along with a hot shower, using a product like a neti pot with a saltwater rinse can do wonders for a clogged nose. It’ll give the air a wider opening to go through and help prevent snoring.

    Alternatively, using a decongestant spray will also help open up the passageway and clear any mucus.

    Finally, you can try using nasal strips to help unblock your airways and hopefully stop snoring!

    Get a new pillow.

    Different sized pillows

    This might sound odd, but hear me out! If your pillow is old, even if you’ve washed the pillowcase, it may contain allergens that are making you snore.

    On top of that, if you have a dusty room, it will attract dust mites which can lead to allergic reactions and cause snoring.

    It is recommended to replace your pillow every 6 months to keep dust mites at bay.

    Aside from changing out your pillow, try dusting your room to get rid of even more potential allergens.

    And if you have pets that like to cuddle with you at night, it may be time to take them out of the bedroom – pet hair will make your allergies worse too!

    Try an herbal remedy.

    A bottle of peppermint essential oils

    As we’ve established, opening up your sinuses will potentially help with a snoring problem.

    Two great solutions are to use eucalyptus and peppermint. Using these essential oils on your chest and nose provides a natural solution to your problem.

    Otherwise, boil some hot water and put it in a bowl along with some drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil.

    Cover the bowl along with your head with a towel, and breathe in the steam for a few minutes before bed.

    Doing this will help not only clear your airways but lessen any inflammation that could be making you snore.

    Practice good sleeping habits.

    Someone in bed turning off their alarm clock

    This is a combination of everything we’ve already talked about, and more.

    For example, cut down on drinking alcohol before bed, take steam showers at night, and try changing sleeping positions.

    Moreover, not getting enough sleep is a bad habit, not just for snoring, but for your daily life.

    If you power through a long day without enough sleep, it makes you overtired for when you finally go to sleep, which then makes your muscles more relaxed – which causes snoring!


    As you can see, there are many different approaches you can take to preventing yourself from snoring.

    If none of these work, it may be time to see a doctor in case you have a more serious problem, such as sleep apnea.

    As you begin trying to stop this habit, rest assured that you are not alone – 25% of adults are habitual snorers so it’s certainly nothing to be self-conscious about!

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About The Author

Michelle Gabriel
Michelle Gabriel

Michelle Gabriel is a freelance writer and blogger and currently loving it! Her primary focus and passion is traveling, which she does full time and continues to be her preferred topic when composing articles.

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