Sports & Games

Not a sports fan? Not a problem!

Everyone has hobbies, and you may be surprised to find out if we covered your favorite activity here!

Ranging from video games & board game facts to sports & hobbies, you’re bound to walk away from your screen knowing a little something extra!

NBA Facts

10 Crazy Facts About The NBA

On March 19th, 1969, a coin flip took place to decide which team would select first in the NBA Draft.

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Sony PlayStation 2 Facts

5 Fun Facts About Sony’s PlayStation 2

In 2002, a British man named Dan Holmes loved his PS2 so much he legally changed his name to Mr. PlayStation 2.

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Raichu Facts - Pokemon

26 Remarkable Facts About Raichu | Pokémon

The design and name for the Pokémon Raichu was inspired by two animals - a kangaroo and a rat.

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
Segway Polo - Strange Technology Based Sports

The World’s Strangest Technology Based Sports

Mobile throwing is a sport that started in Finland in 2000. Participants throw mobile phones and are judged by method & distance.

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Facts About Marvel Games

Marvellous Facts About 5 Marvel Games

Did you know that wrestler John Cena John Cena voices the teenage version of Hulk in Marvel Avengers Academy?

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10 Facts About Princess Peach

10 Fun Facts About Princess Peach

In 2007, Princess Peach ended up on Forbes’ list of Wealthiest Fictional Billionaires.

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Olympics Facts

30 Facts About The Olympics

The Olympic rings signify the world’s 5 major regions; Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceana.

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Pokemon Go Facts

10 Fast Facts About Pokémon Go

The Pokémon Go mobile game was inspired by a 2014 Google April Fool’s prank.

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25 Slowbro Facts - Pokemon

25 Soothing Facts About Slowbro | Pokémon

Did you know that the Pokémon Slowbro can run up to 43 miles per hour?

3 Minutes Read3 Mins read
Sony PS1 Facts

5 Awesome Facts About Sony’s PlayStation One

The original PlayStation wasn't actually Sony’s sole brainchild. It was initially a partnership with Nintendo.

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Interesting Facts About Juggling

These 25 Juggling Facts Really Are The Balls

Juggling has been proven to increase hand-eye co-ordination by up to 10%.

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Mario Day Facts - March 10

National Mario Day | March 10 (MAR10)

In 1983, the first Mario Bros. game was released featuring Mario and his brother Luigi.

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