
Numbers carry a lot of symbolism, aside from just being used for counting. From dates to religion, the possibilities are endless of everything numbers can possibly represent. Even you probably have a significant number! We’ve found all the most interesting facts about numbers to satisfy your curiosity.

Number 25 Facts

Twenty-Five Facts About The Number 25

Did you know that "World Pasta Day" is held on the 25th October every year?

2 Minutes Read2 Mins read
Number 26 Facts

Twenty-Six Facts About The Number 26

Did you know that it takes an average person 13 seconds to count from 1 to 26?

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The Number 27 Facts

Twenty-Seven Facts About the Number 27

The Twenty-Seven Club is a club for celebrities who died at 27 including Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin & Jim Morrison.

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Number 30 Facts

Thirty Facts About The Number 30

Superstition says that if you dream about the number 30 it means someone is lying to you.

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Number One Facts

Interesting Facts About The Number One

The law states that in lists of data, the number 1 occurs with a probability of 30%.

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Facts About the Number 28

Twenty-Eight Facts About the Number 28

Did you know that a 28 sided polygon is called an icosikaioctagon?

2 Minutes Read2 Mins read
Facts About the Number 29

Twenty-Nine Facts About the Number 29

On July 29, 2005, astronomers announced their discovery of Eris - a dwarf planet that orbits the Sun directly.

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Number Thirteen

Facts About The Unlucky Number: 13

There is always at least one Friday the 13th in each year. In some years there's two and occasionally three!

2 Minutes Read2 Mins read
Number 12 Facts

Twenty-One Facts About The Number 12

Did you know that in English, twelve is the largest number that has just one syllable?

1 Minute Read1 Min read