
Here at The Fact Site, we have countless facts covering mammals, reptiles, birds, insects, fish, and pets.

Are you looking to find out more about a particular species? Or just hungry for random animal facts?

No matter what you’re looking for, the facts here will truly capture your interest and educate you on the beauty and wonder of all animals!

Facts all about sea turtles

9 Satisfying Facts About The Sea Turtle

Did you know that the oldest sea turtle fossil discovered was around 120 million years old?

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
Facts about blue jay birds

9 Fascinating Facts About Blue Jay Birds

Did you know that blue jay birds can live up to seven years in the wild and up to 26 years in captivity?

5 Minutes Read5 Mins read
Facts about badgers

15 Bodacious Facts About Badgers

Did you know that badgers are a protected species in the United Kingdom?

7 Minutes Read7 Mins read
10 Chill Facts About Chihuahuas

10 Chill Facts About Chihuahuas That You Should Know

Did you know that Chihuahuas are the world's smallest breed of dog?

5 Minutes Read5 Mins read
Ten facts about flightless birds

10 Fun Facts About Flightless Birds

Did you know that the Kakapo is the world’s only flightless parrot? Kakapos are an endangered species found only in New Zealand.

5 Minutes Read5 Mins read
Are mermaids real?

Are Mermaids Real?

The most famous documented sighting of a mermaid was by Christopher Columbus in 1493, off the coast of Africa.

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
The 2019 Russian polar bear invasion

The Mass Polar Bear Invasion Of Russia

In 2019 the settlement of Belushya Guba in Northern Russia was invaded by 52 polar bears.

4 Minutes Read4 Mins read
Blue Tang Fish Facts

9 Fun Facts About Blue Tang Fish

Blue tang fish can change color depending on their mood. When stressed, the blue tang's color changes to a darker violet.

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
Facts all about hummingbirds

10 Helpful Facts About Hummingbirds

Did you know that the hummingbird is the only known bird that can fly backward?

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
Facts about the Brontosaurus dinosaur

9 Beefy Facts About The Brontosaurus

Did you know that the Brontosaurus dinosaur lived to be around 100 years old?

6 Minutes Read6 Mins read
How the RAF fought malaria by parachuting cats

How The RAF Fought Malaria With Parachuting Cats

Did you know that malaria kills around one million people every year worldwide?

3 Minutes Read3 Mins read
Adorable Corgi dog facts

12 Captivating Facts About Corgis That You Should Know

Did you know that Corgis are listed as the 11th smartest breed of dog?

7 Minutes Read7 Mins read